The 10 Essentials below set vRad apart – and illustrate how we, and our 500 board-certified radiologists, can bring exceptional value to your hospital, practice and radiology service line.
Your teleradiology partner must keep up with the clinical, technical, data security, financial, and other requirements demanded by a dynamic and growing market – and have the scale, depth and stability to help you become indispensable to your key stakeholders: the patients, physicians and hospital administrators who will demand excellence from your overall imaging solution.
Essential #1 – Faster Teleradiology Performance, Especially for Your Most Critical Patients through Patented Technologies and Workflow Innovation
The right technology investments deliver significant radiology report response time improvements for better patient care on your most critical cases. vRad holds 20 patents and has invested over $55 million in innovation focused on improving patient care including:
Essential #2 – A Culture of Quality and a Dedicated Quality Assurance (QA) Program with 24/7 Online Access and Analytics
“Agree/Disagree” doesn’t cut it anymore for a radiology QA program. vRad has maintained a consistently high accuracy rate of 99.7% even as study volume has increased. Our practice Quality Assurance Program was launched in 2004 and includes critical elements of peer review, standardized monitoring of quality metrics, active clinical oversight and management, and most important, a culture of quality throughout our teleradiology practice.
Essential #3 – Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning Investments to Enhance Clinical Performance
vRad is at the forefront of artificial intelligence for radiology. With 20+ algorithms, 1,500 annual diagnosis corrections, and up to 68% turnaround time improvement, vRad AI is accelerating the speed of care and improving the quality of diagnosis for life-threatening pathologies. Learn more about vRad AI.
Essential #4 – Uniformly Structured Radiology Reports (Powered by an Integrated Custom Radiologist Dictation System)
Referring physicians need (and are asking for) clarity and consistency in the radiology reports they receive, regardless of who reads the study. Our integration of voice recognition and Custom Structured Reports is a custom, unique workflow that delivers a consistent diagnostic radiology solution allowing referring physicians to take quick action and leads to higher-quality patient care.
Essential #5 – Final Radiology Reports
Once the norm of teleradiology providers, preliminary reports are rapidly being replaced by final reports to meet heightened expectations. Hospitals are increasingly unwilling to pay for what are essentially redundant interpretations – and patients should expect to receive the same level of care at 2:00 a.m. as 2:00 p.m. and potentially faster discharge from the ED based on a complete and final radiology report. Since 2004, facilities have found significant clinical, operational and financial benefits in using vRad Final Interpretations. In fact, more than 90% of our new business today is for Final Radiology Interpretations.
Essential #6 – Breast Imaging Subspecialists Reading 3D Tomosynthesis and Connecting with Partners and Patients using Live Video Diagnostics
When you provide compassionate women’s imaging services to your community, you provide better patient outcomes – and your organization builds loyalty for those patient families’ future healthcare decisions. 100% of breast imaging studies are read by vRad’s fellowship-trained breast imaging specialists, certified in 2D and 3D tomosynthesis. Our unique Live Video Diagnostics for Breast Imaging has allowed clients to realize a more compassionate patient experience, fewer call-backs, shorter appointments, minimized waiting for results and more time to schedule additional patients.
Essential #7 – Live 24/7/365 Support and User-Friendly Order Management
Whether you need to escalate an order for a patient whose condition is worsening or just need to check the status of an order, your patient care team needs answers fast, regardless if it’s 2 a.m. or 2 p.m. vRad’s Operations Center is located in Eden Prairie, MN, and is staffed 24/7/365, relieving your facility’s technologists and vRad physicians of many administrative and logistical distractions so they can keep their “eyes on the images” and focus on their most important priority: patient care.
Essential #8 – Comprehensive Radiologist Credentialing, Licensing & Privileging Services
vRad is accredited by the Joint Commission and our Credentialing, Licensing & Privileging Service saves your practice time and money. Your teleradiology partner should relieve your Medical Staff Office of almost all radiologist CV-related activity. Utilized by half of vRad client facilities, vRad’s Credentialing and Privileging Agreement and other expedited credentialing services greatly diminish Medical Staff Office burden by eliminating the need to independently credential physicians and simplify adding physicians to improve coverage. Plus, our Physician Credentialing Portal provides your team members with 24/7 access to all Physician Credentialing information relevant to vRad physicians credentialed at your facility(s).
Essential #9 – Comprehensive (and Complimentary!) Radiology Analytics
Imaging analytics are no longer an option; they’re a requirement. vRad Analytics offers a custom view into vRad’s database. It’s “command central,” giving client partners the transparency and insight they need to make informed decisions about optimizing staffing, imaging utilization and clinical quality.
Essential #10 – Ability to Foresee and Navigate Clients through Change in Radiology
Change is the norm in radiology, and how change is managed will make or break an organization. Radiology groups and hospitals need a teleradiology partner who anticipates change and provides practical, cost-effective solutions to help clients differentiate themselves and thrive in an uncertain environment. vRad’s early development and launch of AI models in 2015, integration of ICD-10 Compliant Clinical History, and brining face-to-face video consults with our breast imaging patients are just a few example of our leadership in navigating change in radiology.
Conclusion: The right partner makes the difference – over the long term.
When looking for a teleradiology provider, select a partner who can deliver the essentials for long-term success, including the highest level of patient care. By expanding your “partner check list,” you can ensure you are working alongside an organization with the right scale and scope to make you an indispensable partner to your key stakeholders: the patients, physicians and hospital administrators who will demand excellence from your overall imaging solution. Learn more about vRad here.
3600 Minnesota Drive
Suite 800
Edina, MN 55435