
Imaging of Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer of the Superior Sulcus Part 1

Imaging of Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer of the Superior Sulcus Part 1 John F. Bruzzi, FFRRCSI ; Ritsuko Komaki, MD ; Garrett L. Walsh, MD ; Mylene T. Truong, MD ; Gregory W. Gladish, MD ; Reginald F. Munden, MD ; Jeremy J. Erasmus, MD Non–small cell carcinomas of the superior pulmonary sulcus represent […]

Imaging of Metastatic Disease to the Thorax Suzanne L. Aquino, MD Tumor imaging is at the forefront of radiology technology and is the focus of most cutting edge research. Radiologic applications for imaging of metastases are applied to initial staging, restaging after neoadjuvant therapy, and follow-up surveillance after therapy for tumor recurrence. CT is the routine imaging choice in staging, restaging, […]

Radiology of Community-Acquired Pneumonia Robert D. Tarver, MD, FACR ; Shawn D. Teague, MD ; Darel E. Heitkamp, MD ; Dewey J. Conces Jr, MD This article reviews the radiographic appearance of common community-acquired pneumonia. Included are the common bacterial pneumonias, tuberculosis, fungal pneumonia, pneumocystis pneumonia, and viral pneumonias. The various radiographic appearances and the clues for differentiating […]

High-Resolution CT of the Lung Michael B. Gotway, MD ; Gautham P. Reddy, MD, MPH ; W. Richard Webb, MD ; Brett M. Elicker, MD ; Jessica W.T. Leung, MD High-resolution CT (HRCT) of the lung is a powerful tool for the investigation of patients with acute or chronic respiratory symptoms or diffuse parenchymal lung disease. Detailed knowledge of […]

Radionuclide Imaging of Thoracic Malignancies Stanley J. Goldsmith, MD ; Lale A. Kostakoglu, MD ; Serge Somrov, MD ; Christopher J. Palestro, MD Over the past decade a variety of nuclear medicine imaging studies have become available that are of considerable value to patients who have pulmonary malignancies. By far the greatest impact on the management of patients […]

Chest Imaging in Iatrogenic Respiratory Disease Rebecca M. Lindell, MD ; Thomas E. Hartman, MD Latrogenic respiratory disease is an important cause of patient morbidity and mortality. Clinical and radiologic findings are nonspecific and diagnosis can be difficult. Therefore, it is important for physicians to be familiar with the iatrogenic diseases for which their patients are at risk, as well […]

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Joyce Y. H. Hui ; Danny H. Y. Cho ; Michael K. W. Yang ; K. Wang ; Kitty K. L. Lo ; W. C. Fan ; C. C. Chan ; C. M. Chu ; Tony K. L. Loke ; James C. S. Chan Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is […]

Acute Interstitial Pneumonia Takeshi Johkoh, MD ; Nestor L. Müller, MD, PhD ; Hiroyuki Taniguchi, MD ; Yasuhiro Kondoh, MD ; Masanori Akira, MD ; Kazuya Ichikado, MD ; Masayuki Ando, MD ; Osamu Honda, MD ; Noriyuki Tomiyama, MD ; Hironobu Nakamura, MD PURPOSE: To characterize the computed tomographic (CT) findings of acute interstitial pneumonia and […]

Acute Lung Infections in Normal and Immunocompromised Hosts Stephen Waite, MD ; Jean Jeudy, MD ; Charles S. White, MD Pulmonary infections are among the most common causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, and contribute substantially to annual medical expenditures in the United States. Despite the availability of antimicrobial agents, pneumonia constitutes the sixth most common cause of death and the number […]

Acute Parenchymal Lung Disease in Immunocompetent Patients Noriyuki Tomiyama ; Nestor L. Müller ; Takeshi Johkoh ; Osamu Honda ; Naoki Mihara ; Takenori Kozuka ; Seiki Hamada ; Hironobu Nakamura ; Masanori Akira ; Kazuya Ichikado OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine whether acute parenchymal lung diseases can be differentiated on the basis of the pattern and […]