vRad’s Industry Leading Quality Assurance

A robust Quality Assurance (QA) Program has been the foundation of vRad quality since we developed our program in 2004; our practice integrates peer review, standardized monitoring of quality metrics, and active clinical oversight and management to ensure we are delivering quality patient care. 

We believe these best practices, along with our patented and proprietary workflow assignment technology, generate more accurate reads and faster turnaround times.

We define quality by accuracy and efficiency: accuracy of radiologic interpretations and efficiency that meets clients’ needs and expedites time to diagnosis and treatment.


We are proud of the high accuracy rate we have maintained even as our volume of studies continues to increase. The consistency of our accuracy has remained noteworthy at 99.7%.


vRad has consistently maintained average emergent turnaround times (TAT) of under 30 minutes, even faster for studies such as Stroke and Trauma utilizing our specialized protocols. Current average turnaround times:

  • Stroke: under 7 minutes
  • Trauma: under 12 minutes

vRad’s patented workflows — including custom protocols for stroke and trauma cases — and our 24/7/365 U.S.-based Operations Center team members — who minimize operational and administrative distractions for our physicians — are key to our turnaround time performance.

vRad’s Quality Assurance Process

Accuracy: Improving quality through process and culture

With the introduction of our industry-leading QA Program, we have been driving a culture of quality improvement based on five key elements.

Five key elements of vRad’s quality culture:

  1. Stringent radiologist hiring practices
  2. Subspecialist utilization
  3. vRad Quality Assurance Program
  4. Performance review and accountability
  5. Client portal and reporting

1: Stringent radiologist hiring practices

Since January 2009, our hiring has had a focus on subspecialty training and our new hires have an average of 9 years post-certification experience.

2: Subspecialist utilization

vRad’s patented rules-based, auto-routing technology assigns studies to the right radiologist. In addition, all vRad radiologists can consult in real time with any colleague on difficult or rare cases by simultaneously viewing / discussing on synchronized monitors.

Why use subspecialists?

  • Mammographers: 76% more likely to detect breast cancer – identified 75%+ more cancers in an early stage (Sickles E, Wolverton, DE, Dee KE, et al. Performance parameters for screening and diagnostic mammography: specialist and general radiologists. Radiology 2002;224 (3):861-9.)
  • Neuroradiologists: 34% more accurate than generalists in interpreting neurologically focused studies (Briggs GM, Flynn PA, Worthington M, Rennie I, McKinstry CS. The role of specialist neuroradiology second opinion reporting: is there added value? Clinical Radiology 2008; 63 (7), 791-5.)
  • 24/7/365 consistency


3. vRad Quality Assurance Program

Philosophy  vRad maintains the highest professional standards for its radiologists by employing a stringent QA Program. The program is under the direction of a vRad medical director and the director of QA who also provide clinical leadership and manage the QA Committee. The QA Committee is comprised of practicing vRad radiologists who encompass a wide range of subspecialties and are selected because of their demonstrated high quality of interpretations.

4. Performance Review and Accountability — vRad’s QA Committee

Dr. Julie Shaffrey is the director of vRad’s Quality Assurance Program and a practicing member of the vRad radiology staff with expertise in emergency radiology.   Dr. Shaffrey received her undergraduate degree at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia and her medical degree at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore.  She served her internship at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore and completed her residency in diagnostic radiology at Johns Hopkins.

5. vRad’s Quality Assurance Client Portal

QA Client portal and reporting

vRad’s convenient, easy-to-use online client portal for reporting and tracking suspected discrepancies was designed to maximize participation, driving a stronger overall QA Program. Using vRad’s portal clients can:

  • Submit and manage QA cases online
  • Check case status in real-time
  • View case details
  • View and download QA reporting, by radiologist, by facility

To find out more about our Quality Assurance Program contact us.