CT and MRI of Coronary Artery Disease

CT and MRI of Coronary Artery Disease



Anil K. Attili and Philip N. Cascade

Division of Cardiothoracic Radiology, Department of Radiology, Taubman Center, 1500 E Medical Center Dr., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0326. Received March 1, 2006; accepted after revision June 1, 2006. A data supplement for this article can be viewed in the online version of the article at: www.ajronline.org.

OBJECTIVE: The educational objective of this evidence-based self-assessment module is to use case examples to review the current evidence and the roles of CT and MRI in evaluating and managing patients with both congenital and acquired coronary artery disease.

CONCLUSION: In this educational module, we review the use of CT and MRI in the noninvasive diagnosis and management of patients with coronary artery disease.