Neuroradiology Case 6
Review the Findings Subfalcine and uncal herniation Mixed extra-axial and intraventricular density Subfalcine and uncal herniation Medial right frontal lobe cortical hypodensity Left caudate lacune Mixed extra-axial and intraventricular density Review the Diagnosis Mixed intracranial hemorrhage with ACA compression and infarct
Neuroradiology Case 4
Review the Findings Chronic white matter ischemic changes and lacunes Pontine hypodensity Pontine hypodensity Hyperdense basilar artery Chronic white matter ischemic changes and lacunes Review the Diagnosis Basilar thromboembolism with pontine infarct
Abdomen General Case 10
Review the Findings Small bowel stricture and partial obstruction Sigmoid wall thickening Bladder wall thickening and intramural air Review the Diagnosis Crohn disease with colovesicle fistula
Neuroradiology Case 5
Review the Findings Confluent punctate basal ganglia hypodensities Chronic white matter ischemic changes Review the Diagnosis Spongiform encephalopathy
Neuroradiology Case 3
Review the Findings Basal ganglia and subcortical calcifications Review the Diagnosis Fahr Disease
Genitourinary Case 1
Review the Findings Image 51 Hyperdense perinephric fluid Image 76 Fat density renal masses Review the Diagnosis Angiomyolipomas with hemorrhage
Neuroradiology Case 9
Review the Findings Linear cortical densities Review the Diagnosis Sturge-Weber syndrome
Stroke Case 3
Review the Findings Bilateral cerebral hypodensity Review the Diagnosis Ischemic injury (strangulation and carotid occlusion)
Stroke Case 4
Review the Findings Extensive cortical hypodensity Review the Diagnosis Ischemic injury (cardiac arrest, “reversal sign”)
Neuroradiology Case 7
Review the Findings Extra-axial fluid with layering density Intracranial air Mastoid fluid density and erosion Review the Diagnosis Mastoiditis with subdural empyema